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The Home and Office Organizing Blog
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Save Money in 2009 By Organizing Your Closet

Its time again to take inventory of your closet and get organized! This is one huge way to save money in 2009. If you don't know what you have, you don't know what you need. If you know exactly how many black turtlenecks you own, you won't buy three more just because they're on sale.

Organize a clothes exchange with your friends. Bring everything that doesn't fit or doesn't suit you and have your friends do the same. You'll come home with new outfits without spending a dime.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Get Ready For Tax Season

Starting to put your paperwork in order now will get you ready for tax season. If you think you're getting a refund, the sooner you organize that paperwork, the sooner you will get your money.

Make it easy on yourself by setting up your 2009 files now. Its as easy as adding a label to a hanging file in your current system or use an envelope with a clasp or zip lock bag to hold receipts and other paper work.

If you are unsure of paperwork needed, check your return from last year and use as a guide.

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Monday, December 29, 2008
Save Money In 2009 By Organizing Your Paperwork

Now is the time to tackle those piles on your desk and get organized. How can that save money? When people struggle with clutter they frequently lose track of their bills, which can lead to late payments. The average credit card late fee is $26! Many are as high as $39.

Avoid late fees by opening all your mail and put all bills in an action file. Note in your calendar when all your bills are due.

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Sunday, December 28, 2008
Organize Your Gift Cards For 2009!

One of the best ways to save money in 2009 is to organize and document your gift cards. We have a lot of gift cards that go unused because we cant find when we need them.

49% of Americans have an unused gift cards worth an estimated $8 Billion!

Put all your gift cards in one place, such as manila envelope or even a Ziploc bag. Write down expiration dates or any other restrictions. Put in the glove compartment of your car or somewhere in your home where you won't forget and use them.

Go through your calendar now and make a list of birthdays, anniversaries and other special events that you know you'll be buying gifts for during the year. Use your stash of gift cards to buy other gifts is a double savings!

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Saturday, December 27, 2008
Printable PDF Calendar

Need a way to keep track of when your bills are due? Download this PDF calendar and print on your home printer. Then mark the due dates of your bills on each month of the calendar and keep it somewhere visible.

Download Printable Bill Calendar.pdf

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Organize And Label It For the New Year!

As you start thinking about your News Years resolutions, remember that not only making a list of your goals is helpful but putting a label on everything gives you an instant system.
After organizing your spaces. Get a label maker, use file folder labels or shipping labels(you know you have them in your office supplies)and affix to bins, drawers, shelves and files.

Labels keep everyone on track and tells you where to put things away.
Label makers range from $15 to about $200 depending on the bells and whistles.

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Friday, December 26, 2008
Getting Organized To Lose Weight

It's that time again to start thinking about your News Years resolution. Getting organized always makes the Top ten list. So if losing weight is in your top ten list follow these organizing tips for greater results. Organize the pantry and the frig.

a. If you're thinking that saving all those fatty, sugary leftovers are saving money – think again. You can't put a price on a good health.
Clean out that refrigerator right after the holidays and don't feel a smidge of guilt. Throw out the leftovers to make room for fruits and vegetables and healthy snacks.

b. Put cut up fruits and veggie in plastic bins in the front of the refrigerator where they're easy to find.

Put away (or donate) the deep fryer and bread maker to make room for the salad spinner and wok.

Remember, when changing habits, take small steps. Start small when organizing the kitchen cabinets or just the refrigerator. Your more likely to finish and feel a sense of accomplishment.

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Thursday, December 25, 2008
Happy Holiday Decorating

Did you enjoy the holiday decorations in your home this year? Make sure you repeat the placement of your favorite decorations by labeling each piece so you can easily decorate next year. For instance did you have a favorite Santa that looked great on the living room shelf? Make a label using a label maker or tape titled "Living Room Shelf". Attach label to the bottom of the item before packing away. If you cannot add a label to the item, add it to the box its stored in. It will save you time next year. Also, keep a master list of all decorations and take pictures.


Friday, December 19, 2008
Organizing & Baking

My sister is a wonderful baker. She makes the most amazing cookies. So I was amazed when she finally gave in to my requests for her blue ribbon chocolate chip cookie recipe. They are the most amazing cookies I've ever tasted! I was so excited to see it would make 10 dozen cookies! I was all ready to organize and freeze the cookie dough into dozen batches. I had my my ziploc bags and parchment paper all ready to go. As I mixed this giant batch of cookie dough the batter kept getting harder and harder and I could not figure out what I did wrong! As an organizer I love doing things with precision. So baking is perfect for me. You have to be extremely accurate or does not work. This day I realized these cookies were a total disaster so when I called my sister about the recipe and asked her about the ingredients, measurements etc. and depending on weather you use butter or margarine the measurements are different. I did not know this when I started this journey but I had to laugh when I asked my sister which one she uses and she replied "whatever is on sale".


Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Organize Your Pantry And Donate Food

As you decorate your home and prepare for holiday entertaining - do a little organizing while your at it. Start is your kitchen pantry. Take note of unused items you find in your pantry. If you do not plan on using for the month or ever decide right now if it can go.
If the items are not expired and not past the best if used by date they can be donated to a locale food drive. To find a food drive and donate to families that could really use it now go to Second Harvest inquire at your local grocery store or church.


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