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The Home and Office Organizing Blog
Monday, August 08, 2011
What Is Your Morning Routine?

How organized is your morning routine? Is it typically wake, shower, coffee in that order? Or do you need your coffee just to get to the shower? Whatever it is that you do to get your morning started let us know! We would like to hear from you! And tell us about your ideal morning. Does being organized effect your morning bliss?

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Friday, August 05, 2011
Is it On Your List?

Online grocery shopping still rules my home. All of my past purchases are saved in my account and I can order my groceries in minutes. I don't always have the same order each week so I have organized my home shopping lists into three categories - weekly, bi-weekly and monthly. I have created this list by going through the refrigerator, pantry, medicine cabinet and cleaning supplies to figure out what I use and how long it takes finish. If your laundry detergent contains enough liquid to do 20 loads of laundry you can figure out how long it will last. And do you need to purchase every two weeks or once a month.? Apply this to other areas to figure out your monthly requirements. If you don't have a lot of space and it takes a month to use something don't over crowd your space but stocking up and filling your cabinets every week. Saving a few dollars to stock up on really bulky item isn't worth it to me if my cabinets are busting at the seams. Just create your lists and follow them!

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Thursday, August 04, 2011
Are You Prepared For The Doctor?

Making use of the time in the doctors office is critical. Its no fun to go but if you are taking the day off of work, spending money in travel or paying the sitter you have already invested a lot just to get there. It is very important to be organized for your appointment so you can get everything you need from your doctor. First, find out if there will be paperwork to fill out and if you can download at home. Fill out any forms and bring with you instead of filling out in the doctors office. It can take a long time to fill out and it may be easier if you have access to personal information at home. You also dont want to get there right at the time of your appointment to find you will need to fill out forms that take 15 minutes. This could eat into your appointment time. Bring any medical records needed for appointment such as test results or x-rays or be sure the records can be sent to doctors office. And finally make sure you have a copy of your current insurance card. Keep a running list of questions for your doctor and bring with to your appointment so you do not forget! Write down any answers your doctor has given along with treatment, instructions and side effects. Get your days results on your way out the door and be sure to file it with your medical records.

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Wednesday, August 03, 2011
The Ultimate Movie Experience!

Are you tired of the same old Friday night dinner and movie experience? Racing through dinner, the crowds and concession to get good seats at the theater? I like my time to be organized; get there at least 20 minutes early, get a good seat and hopefully not sit in the front row. Those days are over now that I have discovered the ultimate movie experience! Reserved seats, tables and a restaurant in the theater. Now we don't have to spend the extra time and money getting dinner out. It is always nice to do but when you have to leave to "catch a movie" it is just not the same. We can have a great dinner right at our seats from a real restaurant and reserve our seats online before the show. It costs more to reserve our seats and food is more expensive then your typical meal but what a huge difference! This new way of entertainment has just changed the way we see movies. It's the all in one - save time, no rush - love it!

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Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Where's My Car?

Keeping your keys organized so you can get out the door is a challenge. But loosing your car in the parking garage can be extremely frustrating. I believe there was an entire Seinfeld episode centered around this problem. Parking garages all look the same, the floors, stairwells and elevators. Write down or text yourself the location of your car using the signage provided so you can keep track of your car. Some garages provide cards at the elevator with the location. Others name or color the floors to help distinguish from other floors. Some even have music playing, name of artist and picture to help you remember. So if you cant remember the floor maybe you can remember what song was playing over and over and over.

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Monday, August 01, 2011
Pre Party Toy Organization

Kids birthday parties are exciting! They can also be a little overwhelming for kids and parents. Especially when they receive all those new toys. In a blink of an eye the guests arrive, sing happy birthday, eat cake and ice cream and open gifts. And before you know it junior has opened up the toy packages before you have a moment to inspect. Its a lot to keep organized but with good planning and a few extra hands you can keep it all together. Remember some toys are not age appropriate and your kids wont be ready for them for few months or a even a couple of years. Some toys have many parts and pieces and often need assembly. And Finally you have the messy ones. Try to organize current toys before the party so you can see what you already have. If someone asks you what you need...tell them! Its ok to let people know what you want and some stores even have wishlists that you can update. This makes it easier for everyone to shop. Once the party is over make sure you want to keep all the toys. Return any duplicate toys or toys you cannot use. Make is easier on yourself and limit the amount of toys your kids have to choose from. Put away some of the new toys and pull them out on the next rainy day to beat old toy boredom.

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