Kids birthday parties are exciting! They can also be a little overwhelming for kids and parents. Especially when they receive all those new toys. In a blink of an eye the guests arrive, sing happy birthday, eat cake and ice cream and open gifts. And before you know it junior has opened up the toy packages before you have a moment to inspect. Its a lot to keep organized but with good planning and a few extra hands you can keep it all together. Remember some toys are not age appropriate and your kids wont be ready for them for few months or a even a couple of years. Some toys have many
parts and pieces and often need assembly. And Finally you have the
messy ones. Try to organize current toys before the party so you can see what you already have. If someone asks you what you need...tell them! Its ok to let people know what you want and some stores even have
wishlists that you can update. This makes it easier for everyone to shop. Once the party is over make sure you want to keep all the toys. Return any duplicate toys or toys you cannot use. Make is easier on yourself and limit the amount of toys your kids have to choose from. Put away some of the new toys and pull them out on the next rainy day to beat old toy boredom.
Labels: For Moms and Dads, Holiday Organizing, Home Organizing, Playroom Organizing, Storage
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