My last post was about organizing shopping bags. If you use a lot of bags for gifts and other bags for just carrying items around keep them organized in two 2 storage containers made from the bigger sturdy bags. Take your bag organizing a step further by separating the gift bags from the shopping bags. Separate the large and small bags. Fold the large bags in half and flip the smaller bags upside down. Its easier to distinguish the large bags from the small bags and easier to retrieve the smaller bags. Again, you want to limit the bags you keep but this way you can easily grab a gift bag for a birthday present and not carry your leftovers in $5.00
Happy Birthday bag. If you have a extra room in your gift bags you might want be able to add your other gift wrapping supplies like tissue paper and
gift tags. Be sure to organize your gift wrapping supplies in another
storage bin or shoe box.
Labels: Home Organizer Tips, Home Organizing, Storage