Grocery shopping can be overwhelming. First you have to shop, then you have to transport everything back home in time to prevent frozen or refrigerated foods from thawing or spoiling. Once you get home you have 15 mystery bags of groceries to put away. One lucky bag contains a quart of ice-cream, another has a carton of milk and somewhere there is a pound of fresh fish. There is a lot to do when it comes to food shopping. It can take a few hours from start to finish. Make it easier on yourself from the time you unload your grocery cart to the last can of beans put away in the pantry. Get organized before you leave the house by bringing your own
reusable grocery bags and
cooler bags for all your refrigerated and frozen items. Separate your items in the checkout by refrigerated, pantry items,
cleaning products and paper products. Be sure to notify the cashier that you would like to keep your items separate. When you return home you can immediately grab the items that need to go into the refrigerator or freezer and put them away. Different types of bags will help you distinguish what goes where, refrigerator, freezer, pantry or sometimes even the garage for overstock items.
Labels: Home Organizing, Kitchen Organizing, Pantry Organizing, Storage, Time Management
Nice Tip! I try to seperate my stuff at the checkout all the time and tell them to use as few bags as possible. Then I watch as they just shove everything into bags no matter what it is. Maybe they will get the hint if I bring a cooler bag next time.
Patty's Pressure Cooker, at 9:14 AM
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