Managing your time is easier when you have a calender. Getting a new calender to start off the new year is a major decision! How will you keep track of your daily activities, work and social schedules? Will it be your
phone or the good old paper calender so you can write things down? Whatever you decide make sure it works for you. If you use your computer its easy to set reminders to your pop up, text your phone or email. Phones have many options including actual ringing and can sync with your computer. But your paper calender isnt going to do remind you so you have to make sure you can cleary see important events. Be sure to look at your
calender on a daily basis or you could miss events. Whatever tool you use, I hope it helps you get to where you need to go...on time!
What's your favorite type of calender?
Labels: Home Office Organizing, Home Organizers, Office Organizing, Time Management
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