Do you have a few absolute favorite holiday decorations in your collection? Maybe a few pieces of tinsel, strands of beads or figurines handed down from Auntie Liz? This is the year to decide which holiday decorations are going to make the cut into your official holiday decoration supply. Yes! This is the year to purge out the so-so decorations that your just not that into anymore. If your decorations don’t match the theme of your other decorations, don't fit anywhere or you haven't displayed them in years its time for them to go. Crushed, cracked and broken items are a no brainer for the trash can.
As you start decorating this year really think about each and every piece and ask yourself if you LOVE it. You want to surround yourself with items that make you happy. Donate the decorations that you don’t want to someone who would enjoy them a little more than you.
Have fun decorating.
Have fun decorating.
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