There are lots of ways to manage to do lists. Several programs and notepads are available to help keep a daily to do list organized, but the simplest and most effective method I have found is by using e-mail on my Blackberry. I simply write a draft e-mail to myself of all the items I wish to accomplish that day. Through out the day I can edit the e-mail and place an X next to items that have been completed. I believe this simple method of organizing to do items works for me because I am already heavily relying on my Blackberry for e-mail, so every time I check my e-mail I see my self addressed e-mail titled "To Do List". When I am finished responding to e-mail on the go, I then review the list and check off completed items.
At the end of the day I copy the items that remain to be completed and paste them into a new draft e-mail for tomorrow. Then I send todays list to myself so that I have a record of each days to do list in both my inbox and sent folders. I usually just delete the one in my inbox and use the item in my sent folder for archiving.
The trick is getting into a routine. But I find that the more I rely on my mobile, the more I successfully manage my to do lists using e-mail.
I also should mention that I use a 4 level action system to manage responsibilities. Each time I am presented with a task I first determine if it can and should be accomplished right away. If so, I simply accomplish the item without recording it anywhere. If the item can and should be accomplished that day I enter it into my draft to do e-mail. If it can not be accomplished that day, but is a simple task, I enter it into my task list. Task lists will be my next post. And finally, if an item doesn't belong in the first 3 categories, then it must be a project...and goes into the project list.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
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